The Stucco, used both in housing to cover walls and ceilings and in art to decorate, is a compound based on […]
The Stucco, used both in housing to cover walls and ceilings and in art to decorate, is a compound based on plaster, lime or cement.
From the simple semi-automatic volumetric dosing unit to the complete dosing and capping line, if required equipped with labeling, we can meet all the production requirements in terms of performance and customer’s budget.
Packaging solutions for bottles, canisters and buckets.
All parts in contact with the product can be easily removed for cleaning.
Valvola rotante by-pass. Adatta al dosaggio di prodotti densi e pastosi.
NOTE: Tramoggia di carico prodotto con possibilità di agitazione prodotto tramite pale raschianti e coclea.
Applicazione con ugello a spatola per farcitura panini ecc. questa applicazione può essere messa in linea su impianti automatici.
Doser with mass system. Preparation for automation with Robot for cap placing.